
Showing posts from May, 2019

Student Needs and Maslow's Hierarchy

The emergence of online learning opens up possibilities for schools to focus on other areas once neglected due to a lack of resources or time.   In their book, Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools , Horn & Staker (2015) bring up four activities that schools can now embrace.   These include: Deeper Learning, Safe Care, Wraparound Services, and Fun with Friends and Extracurricular Activities.   While online learning can play a crucial role in opening up future possibilities for schools, it’s not realistic to think everything can happen at once.   Districts needs to analyze the needs of their demographics and students in order to properly act and make appropriate changes.   When thinking about the order in which the four activities should be taken into consideration, my immediate thought goes to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.   Maslow believed that in order for an individual to meet their full potential, they must first satisfy a s...